6 Steps to Success

Powerful Development Tools That Work Together

The best part is, you choose what to use and when


Field Development is Possible

iCoach is on a mission to modernize coaching and development to ensure organizations put talent first

Assessments & Certifications

iCoach makes assessing individuals an easier, more objective process that promotes greater self-awareness, growth, and motivation. Some of the measurement tools offered in iCoach are competency proficiency assessments, certifications, training assessments, pulse and engagement surveys, and multi-rater feedback.

Making Objective Measurement Work:

  • Incorporate a more agile approach assessments, focusing more on targeted skill development and progression and less on rating
  • Leverage technology to capture and make available someone’s coaching, feedback, and engagement activity throughout the entire year for more balanced, holistic conversations
  • Break the assessment “stigma” by showing team members how different types of objective measurements can directly support their growth and success

We're excited to meet you!

Request an iCoachFirst demonstration today to see how we can help you build a culture of coaching, real-time feedback and continuous growth.